Dimitra Mitsi
The concept of a cyclical economy has gained significant attention in recent years as a potential solution to the environmental challenges and resource depletion caused by the traditional linear economic model. The main purpose of this paper is to explore and promote the concept of a cyclical economy, also known as a circular economy, as a potential solution to the environmental challenges and resource depletion caused by the traditional linear economic model. The paper aims to highlight the principles and benefits of a cyclical economy and examine its potential to foster sustainable development. It seeks to showcase the importance of shifting from a “take-make-dispose” approach to one that emphasizes resource efficiency, waste reduction, and closed-loop systems. In doing so, the paper analyzes the key components and strategies associated with the transition to a cyclical economy. It delves into successful case studies from various regions around the world to demonstrate how the circular economy has been implemented effectively in practice. Furthermore, the paper discusses the crucial role of government policies, business practices, and consumer behavior in driving the adoption and successful implementation of the cyclical economy. Overall, the paper aims to highlight the urgent need for society to embrace the cyclical economy model as a viable and sustainable pathway for the future. By presenting the benefits, principles, and successful case studies, the paper encourages readers to consider the cyclical economy as a promising approach to address environmental challenges and promote long-term economic and environmental sustainability.
Keywords: Circular economy, sustainable environment, sustainable development.
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