Azis Hakim and Budi Supriyatno
The research objective is whether there is an influence of work ethic and employee empowerment together on organizational performance in Tebet District, South Jakarta Administrative City. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the influence of work ethic and employee empowerment jointly on the organizational performance of Tebet District, South Jakarta Administrative City.
The research method uses a survey of a quantitative approach that is correlational. In this study, the sampling technique used was saturated or census sampling, which is a sample research technique in which all members of the population are used as samples. This is often done when the population is relatively small. In this study, the number of samples was 33 respondents. The variables studied were work ethic and employee empowerment as independent variables, while organizational performance was the dependent variable.
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that from the results of the discussion and research, namely: 1) Based on the results of the hypothesis test the effect of the work ethic variable on organizational performance in Tebet District, South Jakarta Administrative City, has a strong and significant positive influence, this is shown to the value of the correlation coefficient that is equal to 0.779 and the t-count test of 6.919 is greater than the t-table of 2.042. While the coefficient of determination is 0.607 or 60.7%, this means that 60.7% of organizational performance is determined by work ethics, and the remaining 39.3% is determined by other factors. 2) Based on the results of hypothesis testing the effect of the employee empowerment variable on organizational performance in Tebet District, South Jakarta Administrative City, it turns out to have a strong and significant positive influence, this is shown in the correlation coefficient value that is equal to 0.746 and the t-count test is 6.228 which is greater than the t-table of 2.042. While the coefficient of determination is r2 = 0.556 or 55.6%, this means that 55.6% of organizational performance is determined by employee empowerment, and the remaining 44.4% is determined by other factors. 3) To test the double correlation hypothesis, the effect of work ethic and employee empowerment variables together on organizational performance in Tebet District, South Jakarta Administrative City, turns out to have a strong positive and significant influence on the correlation coefficient value of 0.787 to the F-count test of 24.412 greater than F-table of 3.32. While the coefficient of determination is r2 = 0.619, this means that together 61.9% of organizational performance is determined by work ethics and employee empowerment, and the remaining 38.1% is determined by other factors.
Keywords: Work Ethics, Employee Empowerment, and Organizational Performance.
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