Authors: Caleb Were Mboko And Stephen Laititi Mutunga, PhD |
Abstract: This study examined the influence of classroom management on teachers’ time management and secondary school students’ academic performance in Kwale County, Kenya. The ABC time management theory was used in the study. The target population comprised of 98 principals, 960 Teachers and 6,540 form four students from public secondary schools in Kwale County. Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) formula was used to calculate the sample size, and a sample of 274 instructors, 364 form four students, and 29 principals was established. Utilizing a standardized questionnaire, data were gathered. Quantitative data was analyzed and presented as percentages and regression analysis results. Validity of the research instrument was established after being examined for logical content by were specialists in the subject. Internal reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha with coefficient of α= .83. The study established a statistical significance (p = 0,000; <0.05, α=0.05) of classroom management on students’ academic performance. On the parameters used to assess classroom management, 81.7% of teachers who participated indicated that there was no movement by students in and out of class during lessons which was corroborated by 80.4% of the principals. On students discipline during lessons, 80.9% of teachers opined that this was the case corroborated by 70.6% of principals with a few undecided and other of contrary opinion. This was a further vote of confidence on teachers’ classroom control and students’ discipline necessary for effective teaching and learning. On class control, 68.6% of teachers indicated that they spent time in class control supported on the same by 75.6% of principals. This would seem contradictory to the fact that the students were disciplined which would not have necessitated spending time in controlling them. On the conduct of assignments, 68.6% of teachers opined that students got punished by being sent out of class if they failed to do their assignments supported by 75.6% of principals. This also meant that if students were to be sent out of class, they would lose in the teaching and learning process when they would be out which would militate against the very purpose of effective learning and academic performance. The study found that classroom management accounted for 24.8% (R2 =0.248) of students’ academic performance proper. The study recommended improvement in class conduct and performance on assignments without having to send students out of class. |
Keywords: Classroom management, assignments, teaching and learning, performance. |
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